Elsevier Scopus Search

En al wéér wat heel anders! 🙂

De International Parasitic Plant Society wilde de meest recente wetenschappelijke publicaties op haar vakgebied tonen. En Elsevier Scopus is dan een uitstekende bron en de Scopus Search API your friend.

Dankzij de tailor made WordPress plugin van De Webbouwmeester zien de website bezoekers nu de meest recente publicaties voor dit vakgebied.
Met abonnement op Scopus is het meest mogelijk maar ook zonder abonnement en met gratis API sleutel is er veel mogelijk; zie het voorbeeld aan het einde van deze pagina.

Update: zie ook de Google Scholar Search plugin die hetzelfde doet aan de hand van Google Scholar data.



Het volgende overzicht toont wetenschappelijke publicaties met zoek term “wordpress” in de titel.

Deze zoek term kun je zelf instellen.


  1. Collaborative monitoring: The WordPress platform Andro M. I2D-Information, Donnees and Documents, volume 2, pages 120-136 Thursday 02 May 2024
  2. Enhancing the Availability of Web Services in the IoT-to-Edge-to-Cloud Compute Continuum: A WordPress Case Study Serra G. Proceedings – 2023 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2023, pages 602-609 Wednesday 01 May 2024
  3. Architecture and Development Framework for a Web-Based Risk Assessment and Management Platform Developed on WordPress to Address Opioid Overdose Kazemi A. JMIR Formative Research, volume 8 Tuesday 30 April 2024
  4. Content Delivery based on an Open-Source Implementation of WordPress Bäcker A. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 2909 Saturday 27 April 2024
  5. An Overview of the Learning Capability and Adaptability of a Digital Consulting Assistant in WordPress CMS for the Smart City Domain Zenkert J. Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2023 Friday 26 April 2024
  6. Software Components and Product Variety in a Platform Ecosystem: A Dynamic Network Analysis of WordPress Um S. Information Systems Research, volume 34, pages 1339-1374 Thursday 25 April 2024
  7. Examining wordpress learning to build e-commerce using action research method Halim E. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 2510 Wednesday 24 April 2024
  8. A Comparative Analysis of Joomla, Drupal, WordPress and ASP.NET: Exploring Features, Performance, and Suitability Prasad A.A. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering, CSDE 2023 Tuesday 23 April 2024
  9. CHKPLUG: Checking GDPR Compliance of WordPress Plugins via Cross-language Code Property Graph Shezan F.H. 30th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2023 Tuesday 16 April 2024
  10. An Empricial Study of Brute Force Attack on WordPress Website Shah P.G. Proceedings – 5th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2023, pages 659-662 Monday 15 April 2024
  11. Analysis of Modern Security Plugins for WordPress Stoyanov G. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 3084 Sunday 14 April 2024
  12. TrainOn: An Open Source Plugin for Developing Online Trainings and Conducting Studies in WordPress Mallwitz T. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pages 558-560 Saturday 13 April 2024
  13. The Co-evolution of the WordPress Platform and Its Plugins Lin J. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, volume 32 Friday 12 April 2024
  14. Towards Digital Forensics Investigation of WordPress Applications Running Over Kubernetes Hyder M.F. IETE Journal of Research Thursday 11 April 2024
  15. Development of Website-Based Learning Media using WordPress on Virus Material to Empowered Students' Learning Motivation Rosyadi I. AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 2540 Wednesday 10 April 2024


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En brainstorming is leuk! 🙂